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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It is a myth in insurance business where some insurance agents take months or years to get their prospects to sign up insurance applications yet there

It is a myth in insurance business where some insurance agents take months or years to get their prospects to sign up insurance applications yet there are other insurance agents only take days or weeks to close a deal.

Insurance selling is about dealing with people. It has been a puzzle at the back of the mind of sales agents if there is anything they need to say or do in a sales situation that leads their prospects to a purchase commitment

Every action has a reaction. Everything we say or do has a reaction. Sales agents always try to figure out the right communication strategies to elicit the desired reaction from their prospects.

The following 3 reactions you need to elicit from your prospects before bringing them to a close

(a) Like you or accept you

Some people call it chemistry. You need to have a pleasing personality. Your likeability will lead you to success or failure. One of your jobs as a salesperson is to make prospects accept you or like you better than they like other salespeople

Learn a lot about your prospects' likes and dislikes. Get to know their interests and hobbies. The more you know about your prospects, the better position you are in to earn their respect and make them look forward to your visits.

Look for something that is worthy of a compliment and point it out to your prospects. Your compliment must be sincere. The prospects will be able to tell if it is a genuine compliment or a flattery.

Look for things in common you have with your prospects. Your prospects will feel their affiliation with you. It is easier for you to build rapport with your prospects though you may meet them for the first time.

(b) Understand you

Let the prospects understand your role and how your service can be of help to them. Once they understand the value of your service, they will be able to cooperate with you and relate their financial concerns with you.

Help them understand the process you will go through with them so that they appreciate your efforts to help them achieve their goals and know what you expect of them in the process.

With your careful analysis, they will be able to see their situation more clearly and be aware of their potential problems if no action taken. Essentially, you help them look at their situation in new perspective.

When making recommendation, it is your responsibility to make your explanation clear and easy to understand. Remove jargon or technical words from your presentation. Your prospects must understand your value proposition with ease.

(c) Trust you

The ultimate aim of a salesperson is to get prospects to make a purchase decision. Before prospects can do so, they must be very sure that the person whom they are going to form business relationship with is someone they can trust without much doubt.

Your image and professionalism are important parts of the equation of trust. However, the most important element is none other than putting your prospects' interests above yours.

When your prospects see you put their interests ahead of your own, your prospects would see you in different light and you become respected. Once you earn their trust, they are ready for a business commitment.

Selling is a game of communications. It is about how to influence your prospects' thinking and change their behavior. With planned sales approach, you should be able to manage your prospects' reaction and take charge of the sales situation

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