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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Insuring Your Home is Protected From Flooding

There is a tide in the affairs of man which, taken at the flood..." once said a famous writer from Stratford-upon-Avon. Given Stratford's capability for flooding - a problem which regularly hits British national headlines - it's likely Shakespeare was more than familiar with the perils of flooding.
Of course, Stratford-upon-Avon isn't the only place that's prone to flooding; the problem is a nationwide one, in the UK at least.
Moreover, most experts agree that - over the next few years - due to global warming, unless defences are vastly improved flooding problems are likely to increase throughout the UK.
For those quick to dismiss this warning due to the fact they live far from the coast, it's important to realise that it's not just coastal areas that are at risk; many areas near rivers - as well as many that are not - are also in danger of inundation.
When buying a property - whether for yourself or for letting purposes - it's always wise to check how prone the property is to flooding, especially if there is a river nearby. Many buyers, particularly those making their first property purchase make the assumption that if their property is not directly next to the river it will be safe.
Unfortunately the belief that geographical distance from the river is the most important factor in preventing flooding can cause a lot of pain and grief for homeowners. While distance from the river is an important factor in preventing a house from flooding, if a river was to break its banks and flood, the river would find its own level, possibly flooding nearby houses.
Some home insurance policies and - if letting the property - landlord insurance policies cover flood damage, although it important to carefully read through the small print. Finer details such as the total coverage provided by the policy can be very important should a flood occur, as you could end up covering any 'excess' yourself.
It's important to realise that while certain insurance policies can cover you against damages, there can be other costs involved. If for example you are a landlord and your property is a source of income, you have a legal responsibility to your tenants which may mean providing replacement accommodation. You may also have a mortgage to pay which - with no possibility of tenants living in the house after flooding and thus no income coming in to pay the mortgage - can set you back financially.
Getting the right landlords insurance requires professional advice to ensure that you have the right cover. Most specialist
landlord insurance policies will not just provide insurance for the material damage, but will also cover loss of rent and the cost of alternative accommodation. It is important always to take individual professional advice - and not to look solely for the cheapest deal - it seldom works out that way in the event of a claim.
If you are concerned about flooding, flood maps of the UK are available from the Environmental Agency Website.
Victoria Cochrane writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content

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